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Getting started

If you require our operators to stream out to your, or partners, accounts on external platforms (i.e., Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.) We will need to exchange confidential information.

If your project includes many output destinations, and many sources (i.e., different source for each output) the project complexity will increase and the management on both ends can be time consuming and source of errors.

Please read this article and the related ones to get familiar with our processes.

In general, to preserve security and confidentiality best practices, Brainsonic Live recommands its client to not communicate any credentials to outside the organization, even to Brainsonic Live.

To avoid useless complexity we ask organizers to fill and use our template for simulive and thrid parties streaming projects. It's available in Microsoft Excel format.

Depending on the third party (social media platform) we would prefer organizer: 

  1. To add a Brainsonic Live account as content administrator to your account or page
  2. To share the streaming destination values (i.e., stream key) with Brainsonic Live

However in some cases it can be necessary for Brainsonic to get those credentials.
Those scenarios are:

  • Organizer wants Brainsonic Live to create and manage the live event using the third party application
  • The third party platform does not provide a appropriate way to delegate live event management to another account
  • Getting the streaming destination values requieres a complex workflow